Vote for Got Medieval’s New Mascot!

Unbeknownst to all of you, when I abandoned the Scribe template and switched Got Medieval to its current look, I stuck the picture of the monkey with a cannon in the blog header as a placeholder, intending to replace him with something better once I got the rest of the template code working.  And just as with about 80% of the things I plan for my blog, I never got around to following through on that.* In fact, I forgot about that plan completely until a few weeks ago, when I had to pick an image for my blog’s Facebook page.  Naturally, I went with the same placeholder, which I intend to change any day now.**

Anyway, now that I’ve got a Facebook page, I feel it’s time to make an honest woman of my blog and name an actual official mascot. That’s where you, my readers, come in. I’ve decided to let you have a voice in the process–a voice that, let me be clear, I’ll probably ignore if I don’t like what it tells me, but a voice nonetheless.  There’s a poll right down there.  Please vote your conscience.

Though, it occurs to me that since my blog’s gotten a lot more readers since the redesign, most of you reading this simply cannot imagine a world without cannon-toting monkeys in it. So perhaps a little blog history is in order.  Once upon a time, you see, there was a man who laid eggs up in the header. But he was a transparent gif, and that was so 1997, so he had to go. Before that, there was the anthropomorphic vulva dressed as a pilgrim, or “Jaunty” as I call her (on account of the jaunty angle at which she wears her hat), who never got a picture, but who was the blog’s spiritual mascot for most of W’s second term.  And after all that, the monkey.  Everybody with me now?

Good.  Now that you understand the full significance of the matter, I need you to decide between Got Medieval’s three heretofore unofficial mascots.  Elevate one to greatness and cast the others aside with two clicks of your mighty mouse!

Vote for Got Medieval’s Official Mascot
“Jaunty” the Anthropomorphic Vulva
“Unnamed” the Monkey with a Cannon
“Egg-Laying Dude” the Guy who Sits in a Nest and Lays Eggs
Please, For the Love of God, Think up Something Else free polls

Perhaps once the results are in, it’ll be time for new tee-shirts at the old CafePress store. Who knows?  Stranger things have happened.***

*Or, for that matter, to getting the rest of the template code working.
**Based on past performance, in two years or so.
***For instance, someone once bought from my CafePress store two pairs of thong panties with a picture of medieval lechers burning in Hell on the front of them, a design I threw up one night as a joke and which was probably in the store all of a ten hours.****
****Wait–why am I wasting time blogging, when my true calling is apparently underwear-designing fashionista?  Gotta go!

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